
I'm assistant professor in the Applied Math Unit at the University of California Merced. I'm interested in developing new efficient numerical methods for interface problems, specially in electromagnetics and in plasmonics. I work on wave propagation phenomena and related problems. I have been developing a finite-element based method to accurately capture the near-field in plasmonic structures, and work on integral representation methods for close evaluation problems.

  • Vrushali Bokil (OSU)
  • Anne-Sophie Bonnet BenDhia (POEMS)
  • Lucas Chesnel (DEFI)
  • Patrick Ciarlet (POEMS)
  • Shilpa Khatri (UCM)
  • Arnold D. Kim (UCM)
  • Claire Scheid (NACHOS)
  • Contact

    carvalho0camille AT
    UC Merced, 5200 N Lake Rd, Merced CA 95343
    Office hours Fall 2018: TBA